Self Portrait with Hat, oil on canvas, 12” x 18”, 2022Self Portrait with Exploding Heart on canvas, 12” x 18”, 2022Self Portrait with Scarf, oil on canvas, 18”x 18”, 2022I promise, oil on dyed canvas, 24”x 24” , 2022I want to ... , oil on dyed canvas, 24”x 30”, 2022Green Olfactive Rock, polymer clay, portable air diffuser, triplal, geosmin, 2021October Accord Diary, 31 individual glass vials, 31 olfactive accords, 2021October Accord Diary, material list, 2021Self Portrait (Air Freshener), series of 10, printed card stock, fragrance, string, 2021April in Providence, acrylic on dyed canvas, 24” x 30”, 2020Note from November, oil on dyed canvas, 48”x 54”, 20202020, oil on dyed canvas, 72”x 60”, 2020Dead Rabbit, 2021, oil and acrylic on dyed canvas, 54”x 50”, 2021Note from July, oil on dyed canvas, 48”x 54”, 2020Note from September, oil on dyed canvas, 48”x 54”, 2020Fantasy World, oil on canvas, 50”X 50”, 2020Rabbit (LT Homage), mezzotint, 8”x 11”, 2019Rocks, hydro film, enamel, hand carved poplar wood, variable sizes, 2019Doves on Meeting Street, acrylic on mesh, 48”x 48” 2019